Transformer & Oil Recycling
What We Do
What do you need to know about Transformer and Oil Recycling when you partner with Utility Recyclers?
- Both Utility Recyclers International facilities in Lancaster NY and St. Louis MO are in compliance to municipal, state and federal legislation regarding the collection, transport and recycling of obsolete <50 ppm (non) PCB oil-filled electrical equipment
- Electrical equipment includes pole and pad-mount transformers, regulators, reclosers, metering & power & current transformers, capacitors and breakers
- At Utility Recyclers International’s approved transfer, recycling and treatment facilities, the equipment is drained, processed and recycled to 96% by total gross weight
- All used oil <50 ppm PCB is bulked and fully recycled into re-refined transformer oil or other beneficial industrial use
- Certificates of Recycling, Destruction and/or Disposal are issued for oil and all related drained end-of-life equipment
Have Transformers to Recycle?
Are you interested in recycling your Transformers? Request a Quote Below
How Does it Work?

Step 1: Collect
Whether you are looking to recycle meters, electric vehicle charging stations, modules with batteries, or oil-filled equipment, URI has the experience and creative solutions needed for packaging, handling, and storing assets to maximize value and ensure safe transportation.

Step 2: Transport
URI prides ourselves on our responsive and timely transportation options. When limited warehouse space is a challenge, our clients have confidence knowing that our trucks will arrive on time for loading. Our transportation partners span the world and can pick up from almost any location with minimal notice.

Step 3: Recycle
URI is committed to ensuring that all materials received – from the asset itself to the packaging it arrives in – are recycled or disposed of in the most environmentally friendly manner achievable
We are focused on finding outlets for all components so that we can maximize the recycling of all materials received.
We provide our supplier’s with Certificates of Recycling and/or Disposal upon request.
Materials may be recycled domestically or internationally depending on market conditions and supplier’s requirements
URI has developed outlets for recycling materials containing batteries